The Cordova CLI for Cordova 5 Phonegap tutorial
Introduction: Adobe PhoneGap© says that it takes the pain off developing mobile apps! Android developers seemed to take heed of that as well as ios developers. And windows mobile app makers too. The biggies on deciding how to make an app have chosen Phonegap as the app creator. But the constant software development and revisions take a heavy toll on developers time and on documentation!
As does not revise what is to be done for Gradle and Cordova 5, here it is for our developer colleagues revised as on 28 August 2015
Since the Cordova 5 was introduced about a few months ago, building and deploying Cordova apps for development has become different to say the least. E.g. for Android:
As before if you want to build a release version of an APK from the command line for production. Use command below however, this does not sign your release:
To release a signed apk to Android with Cordova 5, first a keystore file must be created as usual.
$ keytool -genkey -v -keystore <"Name of Application">.keystore -alias <"Your Alias"> -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -validity 10000
Enter the keystore password and continue entering in all the rest of the prompted information
Copy this newly created key store created whichever folder you are in, into the platform/android directory.
Release in CLI workflow
Use this below to hooks directly into the
cordova build android --release
Cordova 5 (might have been 4 as well) uses Gradle to compile now, so the old no longer works.
You can work the same trick by creating a file in platforms/android and adding the following fill with your file name and other information:
// optional :
// optional :
Also It works with Java 7 no issues, no certificate signing issues.
And finally give the command
cordova build android --release
and you get a signed zip aligned apk to be sent to the Google play store.
Its is found in /platforms/android/build/outputs/apk/ folder
Happy developing!
Thanks Adobe and Apache Cordova
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